Cyber-security Experts Craft Blueprint For Paradigm Shift in Cybersecurity (Government Computer News, 09/23/2009) Cybersecurity summit issues ‘game-changing’ proposals to make nation’s cyber infrastructure more reliable. Cybersecurity Bill Pushes University-Business Alliances (Network World, 09/23/2009) Program would include college scholarships in return for government service. New Cyber-Security Research Center Opens in Belfast (The Register, 09/24/2009)Cybersecurity Today: The...Read More
Google was smart on this one. They replied to the lawmaker’s inquiry by basically saying that Google isn’t the bad guy; Congress is the one that should be somewhere making uniform privacy laws. You’ve got to love Google! December 26, 2007 — IDG News Service (Washington, D.C., Bureau) — WASHINGTON (12/24/2007) – Google has responded...Read More
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